Monday, June 21, 2010

Guys-- mascar vs. no mascara...lip gloss vs. no gloss..manicure vs. no manicure..blonde vs. red?

just curious. wanna know what you guys think.Guys-- mascar vs. no mascara...lip gloss vs. no gloss..manicure vs. no manicure..blonde vs. red?
I'm a girl but I'll answer what I think...

guys generally seem to like the 'natural look'... (they don't realise this takes at least 30mins to perfect!!!)

Minimal makeup is most attractive- enough to make the most of what you have got and give you confidence. But no one wants to go out with someone who looks like a clown, or a child who crawled through their mother's makeup drawer.

Don't over-emphasise both eyes and lips, choose your strongest feature and focus on that, you don't want to look tooo made up unless you're going out somewhere you feel that would be the best.

I don't get manicures, I do have long nails but I keep them non-sharp and in good condition and paint them red, and DON'T LET NAIL POLISH CHIP...thats ugly.

As for blonde vs red... have to go against them both and say BRUNETTE cos I am brunette (well my hair is blonde-brown but I'll say I am brunette haha). But you get attractive people with all diff coloured hair so depends on the person.Guys-- mascar vs. no mascara...lip gloss vs. no gloss..manicure vs. no manicure..blonde vs. red?
Well if that stuff makes you feel better it is fine but for a lot of guys they either prefer a more natural look so they can see the real you or if you do the makeup thing please don't over do it. Some people just do not know how to apply it the right way and they look so fake.......but that's just me!

Blonde vs. red------------ I find myself more attracted to red myself
i prefer reds myself...but as far as make-up goes everybody looks different...natural skin looks best with very little make up and not to heavy on the blusher...

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