Saturday, November 28, 2009

Does lip gloss cause acne?

No, lip gloss does not cause acne. There is some research that suggests the hormones found in dairy products and a western diet in general may be a factor, but there are many others. Hormones, heredity, greasy cosmetics, stress, humid polluted climates, irritation to the skin, chafing, and squeezing pimples all can contribute to acne, but the picture is very complex.

There is no quick fix for acne. Your doctor may recommend some prescription medication. Keep your face very clean. Drink plenty of water. Eat a nutritious diet and get enough sleep. Try to reduce the stress in your life. Probably the most useful and effective things you can do are to apply hot compresses to pustules and cysts and never to pick or squeeze pimples. Playing with or popping pimples, no matter how careful and clean you are, nearly always makes bumps stay redder and bumpier longer. Here are a few informative links with additional home treatment ideas.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

Does lip gloss cause acne?
If ypu apply it directly onto your face, it'll attract dirt. Unless you wash it off, it'll accumulate dirt, which turns into bacteria, which turns into acne.

I've never seen lip acne nor do I want to know of its existence. Does lip gloss cause acne?
If it's crappy lipgloss, then it's possible.

Otherwise nahh ;]
no it doesn't coz acne but a cheap lip gloss may make problems on your lips or around it but not on the rest of your face...hope i helped :)
Its goes on your lips lol, not on your skin.
Not that I know of. Unless you are allergic to one of the ingredients....
I've never seen someone with acne of their lips before...
nope, i wear it all the time and ive never had acne.
No hormones do.
wow never heard of that before? ;) clueless
No it doesn't
hmmm i don't think so
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